


Thursday 2 July 2015

Over the past few months, I've received thousands of messages from people all over the world who suffer or have suffered from acne, an insecurity or self confidence issues. 

I wanted to create a film that showed how social media can set unrealistic expectations on both women and men. One challenge many face today, is that as a society, we're so used to seeing false images of perfection, and comparing ourselves to unrealistic beauty standards that It can be hard to remember the most important thing - You ARE beautiful. 

You are beautiful - no matter how flawed you feel, no matter how upset you may about the way you look or how hard you find it to make friends, or be confident. Believe in yourself, and never let anyone tell you're not beautiful - not even yourself. 

Join the discussion and share your thoughts - #YOULOOKDISGUSTING


  1. You are beautiful both ways! you are bold and courageous and it's a wonderful video showing the ugly truth of our world. Treat others as you want to be treated, right? Something we learn in kindergarten that we need to be reminded! I'm sorry people say such hurtful things but hurt people hurt people as they say.

  2. Film is so emotional. It touch me so deep. My dear,you ARE so beautiful! ♥

  3. I found this video on Buzzfeed -- it's absolutely heartbreaking to hear how cruel and thoughtless people can be when hiding behind their computer screens.Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience.

  4. Wow, this was so emotional but so incredible. I suffered from mild acne for years and used to be terrified to go out without make up on but as I've grown up, yes my skin has got better but the main change is that I've learned to love myself. I'm still working on my confidence but learning to accept yourself and your flaws is the first step. You're so beautiful :) this is going to help so many people!

    Caitlin | Cosmetics, Cocktails & Cruising xx

  5. I think this video is incredible! You are sending such a wonderful message and I hope that everyone who watches draws strength from it :)

  6. I love your videos Em, as someone who also has adult acne it helps me so much seeing other peoples face without makeup and making the step to wearing less myself no matter what anyone else thinks of my skin xx

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  7. I bloody love you & this <3

  8. Excellent video, Em! People need to stop expecting others to be flawless and perfect - no-one is naturally perfect and we need to accept this. You are pretty despite your skin, and you aren't just your skin. Your make up skills are incredible. I hope this goes viral, it deserves to x

  9. I grew up being bullied others it comes later in life. Everyone has something special that makes them them. Self belief can be hard earned. That's me. I wasn't always the person you see today from 5-16 I was given and called nick names by bodies of people at primary and secondary school that caused me to cry constantly, have fear of being at school, hate people and have a long memory of their abuse. My confidence has come from a tough place and took many years to get here. Giving anyone strength in them selves is the greatest gift. If I can pay that forward the rest of my life I will be happy. Thanks Em Ford for an Insighful video. I cannot imagine what life could have been like being bullied on social media. #thisgirlcan

  10. Thank you from the bottom of my heart - I'm not alone x

  11. I just typed a huge garbled message but deleted it as all I have to say is simply THANK YOU

  12. You look before without the make-up! All that was missing was a smile! Sad to think that people can stop you feeling like you can smile! Paul (no account to tag this to)

  13. BEAUTIFUL!!!

  14. Em, you're beautiful without makeup, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

    Any guy would be lucky to have you in their life.

    Too often people online will look for any excuse to knock someone down to make them fell better about themselves since they have such sad lives.

    You're a brave woman, keep it up.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. You look beautiful . Thank you for taking the time to make this video 💖

  17. This brought tears to my eyes. It's so sad, the irrefutable fact that people don't realize how heavy their words weigh. I think you show true strength in your ability to create this, not only for yourself but for all the people that are mistreated online. You're amazing ��

    Sofia |

  18. When I scanned the title of the article and saw your picture my first thought was no one is going to bully a girl as pretty as you (this was without your make up). As I watched the video I was horrified in what people wrote. You are a natural beauty. Anyone who says nasty things about you obviously suffers from very low self esteem. When they look in the mirror they do not like their reflection. You are a beautiful girl.

  19. I commend you for this. So powerful and much needed

  20. You can wake up next to me anytime WITHOUT MAKEUP :)

    - most of those ppl just reflectin how they feel about themselves onto you to relieve some of their own pain.

  21. My God! What courage you have, Em. God bless you. You sent a powerful message out for all young women and older women, too. ARE beautiful. Thank you!

  22. Em!! OMG, thank you for being so real & transparent. I'd love to talk with you about taking control of your acne for once & for all. It's not curable, but it IS controllable. Can you contact me at your earliest convienence?

  23. 21st century problems.. we fear rejection, want attention, crave affection, and dream of perfection.. living in this kind of narcissistic atmosphere does causes a lots of depression & self hating, especially if ure not so good looking.. what a pathetic world.. *sight

  24. As someone that really struggles with my skin, this hit me so hard! The double standard is crazy! Loved this so much I just wrote a blog post about it :) x

  25. Now this is true beauty. Thank you so much for sharing this and helping women (and men), young and old, around the globe to not only understand how much their words can affect somebody, but also what true beauty is. You're absolutely stunning, inside and out.

    From a 24-year-old that also struggles with her skin (and most of her friends, too!).

  26. I am truely moved. This video is perfect, so are You. I cant beleive How ugly People can be sometimes.. xx

  27. I would probably classify myself of being ignorant, and you just helped me see the world as it is. You also showed me the beautiful people that life on that world, being you, just the way you are.

  28. People are cruel. I suffered from acne from age 10-present (34 now). I recall being called horrible names, and being told to go kill myself because someone as ugly as me didn't deserve to live. You're lovely with or without makeup. If wearing makeup makes you happy and confident, then go for it! May of offer up some suggestions that helped me? I'm sure that you, like me, have tried all of the prescription meds on the market. None of them worked for me. What DID work for me (mostly) was cutting all processed sugar out of my diet. All of it. High fructose corn syrup. Refined grains. Table sugar. White rice. White four. Anything processed. It took years for me to try this. My sister continued to steadily recommend this until finally, after finishing medical school, I was so fed up with my skin that I gave it a shot. She was right. After adding in as many antiinflammatory foods as I can cram into my diet, and cutting out all of the processed, crap (including artificial colors and flavors, and as many preservatives as I can find, and all animal products to avoid the onslaught of inflammation that those bring), my skin finally cleared up. Once every few months I'll have a spot or two, but I can manage that. I also changed to ElishaCoy Nobless Super BB All-in-one Cleanser on the recommendation of another blogger (frmheadtotoe). I hope you find a treatment that works well for you. Keep your chin up, lovely lady!

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Just watched the movie. you are so beautiful and brave. Don't ever let anyone say something else, I feel bad for those people who doesn't know better to write such horrible comments. It's sad and it only shows their true colours. Stay strong, hugs from Sweden ❤️

  31. Hello. I just watched your video You look Disgusting. I've never heard of you before or seen any other video. Its definitely saddening seeing peoples comments. People are very hurtful and don't realize the impact their comments may make on someone. I'm all for a person doing whatever makes them happy. I just wanted to stop and say that I thought you were beautiful before the makeup. Thats my opinion and if someone wants to wear makeup, thats fine too. We live in a connected world where we can hear a thousand opinions in seconds. Most people will be negative about something before being positive. Unfortunately thats how it is. I applaud you for your strength to face the negativity head on...and to tell people that you are beautiful how you are.

  32. You're brave and beautiful. You're a wonderful role model for teens and other young women.

  33. You are beautiful with or without makeup!!!

  34. From Holland:

    I saw your film in the online newspaper! I have so much respect for you. So many girls are struggling with acne. You are beautiful! Big kiss!

  35. I know this feeling very well. I have acne since I was 12 and now Im 25. This video show nowadays "social media's society". You have my respect girl.

  36. Em,
    You are lovely with out the make up. I am not just giving you lip service. It comes from the heart. Heck! I am a bit jealous of your cheekbones and eyebrows! Without the makeup of course.

    Anyone who says something hurtful to someone else is jealous or very insecure with themselves. I was bullied through out school as a child. My parents knew I was hurting and tried to instill a mantra of sorts to help me. I now teach it to my children.

    First they told me to never say a mean word to anyone else. If I wouldn't want to hear it said to me don't say it to anyone else. In a sense kill them with kindness and politeness.

    Second say what you mean and mean what you say. Keep all your words truthful and from the heart and you can not go wrong. Don't say something you will regret or follow with the ever common "Just Kidding." You are not kidding and trying to cover up your stupidity by saying so.

    Today's society needs a big fat kick in the pants because we have strayed from true moral values and common courtesy towards each other. What has happened to the Golden Rule we were taught as children!? Why have we become so rude and angry to each other!? We all need to take a look at ourselves (on the inside) and find out why we are so bitter and venomous.

  37. I just discovered your blog because of someone sharing this video on Facebook.

    I am so incredibly impressed by you for so many reasons... you are clearly so brave, smart and talented... not to mention how obviously gorgeous you are.

  38. You are not perfect, there are "flaws". That makes you more beautiful.. Flaws make an interesting person. Perfection makes for a plastic "McPerson".

  39. You are so beautiful, with or without makeup <3

  40. This video is so inspirational, I have various skin conditions and have struggled for a while. Your video has really moved me and I am so grateful that you chose to be so courageous and brave and share your experience with the world. It has helped me more than you could know. You are beautiful, thank you xxx

  41. This video is so inspiring. Amazed to see ho shallow the world can be. Your are very brave and inspiring. This video has given me the much need courage I have been looking for this week, I don't have acne, and never had any skin issues. Always thought lucky, will my accident has left me with a deep and few permeant scar on my face. currently unable to wear any makeup, but now willing to go out and not lock myself away for the benefit of others. Mind made up returning to work a week after my accident, rocking my fav new lipstick and my new bare face. Thank You Em for the courage!

  42. Just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for making this video. Thank you for daring. Thank you for your bravery. I admire you so much... I never watched your channel before but I'm now subscribed.
    I watched your video twice. I felt so hurt, because I heard things like that...
    I'm 21 and have had acne since I was 12. Even after a bunch of dermatologists, my acne is still there. When I was in middle school, I didn't succeeded in covering my acne. People used to call me "ugly", "pizza". They used to ask me if I knew I had "a pimple right there" and "another one right here". I knew, of course. And I used to cry.
    Today, I'm often crying when I see my skin at its badest. But today I am able to cover it, thanks to videos like yours.
    I shared you video on my facebook account but I bet people won't even understand why I did. 98% of my friends don't know I have acne and they don't even believe me when I say it.
    I love makeup. I truly do. Makeup makes me feel comfortable and pretty. But it's also a relief taking it off.

    I started watching youtube videos when I wanted to learn how to cover my acne. Now, it's a pleasure, even though I am still watching this type of videos. I love seeing the "transformation".
    I admire you so much right now. Thank you for showing how mean people can be behind their screens. Thank you for showing your face with and without makeup.
    I truly believe that you are beautiful both ways. You have a pretty soul and a beautiful face. You are brave.
    There will always have people criticizing and hating. But please never stop making videos like this one, it helps so much.

    Apologies for my mistakes, I'm French...

    Lots of love,

  43. Thank you for this video! Up until this year I suffered adult acne and after and intense round of accutane, I am still left with marks and pitted scarring. I struggle a lot with self confidence and with this ideal of what 'beauty' is meant to look like. Your video really spoke to me

  44. This video is so powerful. I have suffered from acne all through my teens and as an adult and at the age of 32 I'm still not brave enough to go out without make up on.
    Thank you for doing this, I really admire you and you are beautiful.
    Ignore all the negative comments, some people really have nothing better to do than put other people down.

  45. We are all beautiful, only the insecure people make others feel bad about themselves. Social media means they can hide the person they don't like behind words of disrespect for others. I feel sorry for those people.

    Great video babes, a big thumbs up.

  46. This is so wonderful. Your film is just beautiful and you should be so proud. I am lucky to have never suffered with acne but I can see and understand how distressing it would be.

    Thank you so much for sharing this.


  47. This is such a beautiful video and wonderfully done. The simplicity of it makes your point stand out and you should be so proud. It is horrible to see that no matter what you do (wearing make up or not) people will still be rude and disrespectful. What is most important is not what other people see but what you see, because if you see yourself as beautiful, nothing people say should matter. Powerful video.

    Beth x

  48. What lipstick did you use in this video? It's amazing! And so are you !

  49. Wow. What an amazing and powerful video.

  50. Hello!
    Loved your video, it's very inspirational. I had severe acne when I was younger, From my 12th till my 18th. Around my 18th I decided to do something about it, I went to a dermatologist and got medication for it. Even now when I get a little bit of acne, I still have difficulties with it, cause it makes me feel so exposed, dirty even (since a lot of people associate it with personal hygiene for some reason). Even without make-up and with your acne "on display" (so to speak) you are absolutely gorgeous! And you are very talented with make-up I might add :)

  51. Your beauty comes or not from your mind. Smart people choose frends and partners because they have some qualities like kindnes, mercy, hardw Beauty is relative and pass by in time. Kindnes stays forewer. So do not worry about make up. You are beautifle from inside out. I don't give **** about makeup. Without makeup you look nice, kind and warm. Mesage for haters: Iff you are hartless don't be stupid. It's very sad to read retarted coments. Hate speach is allways sad to read.

  52. Wow, this short film left me with tears in my eyes! Thank you for sharing this! It gives a real powerfull message! With love, Anna from the Netherlands.

  53. Actually preferred you with no makeup. Gorgeous!! 😊👍

  54. You truly are an inspiration to me and I am sure many others, having suffered with bad skin for a number of years I know how it can knock your confidence, some people can be so cruel but you have stood up to them and shown how beautiful you really are. You should feel very proud that you have taken on the haters.
    All the best.

  55. your clip has deeply moved me. You are very courageous and interesting, which is worth much more than a face. by the negative comments you see how shallow and mean people can be. keep it up because you're worth more than you will ever be more... All the Best ... L.

  56. You are beautiful! With or without make up. Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Wishing you all the best! Lots of love.

  57. Seraphina Jackson3 July 2015 at 13:55
    I admire your honesty. To tell the truth girls who look like you, with such picture perfect skin I know not many truly exist, and I accept that but looking at pics of women in full regalia is scary (thinking about how it's impossible for me to ever achieve that). I have acne scars across my face, neck, chest and back. I have only worn concealer or foundation for prom. In all my social media pics I can be seen completely barefaced or with only eyeliner mascara eyeshadow and lipstick.

    I'm so scared of achieving that beautiful look through make up and feeling more worthless than I began. I think that your makeup is artful and professional, you have amazing skills. And I also think that your plain face gives a lot more hope and courage to many people, including myself.

    Thank you Em Ford, you are beautiful.

  58. So powerful.. thank you for that video..

  59. Thank you so much! It's good to know that I'm not alone with this problem... Thank you!

  60. You look beautiful either way.

  61. i am crying... you are so brave to do this and you are beautiful with and without make up!

  62. You are beautiful and I hope u know that!You are amazing💕

  63. You are beautiful, and so is your message! Thank you!

  64. Thank you for being a bold voice for women and girls! This is so powerful!

  65. Excellent message. Thank you.

  66. Your video was excellent and inspiring.

  67. You are truly a courageous woman. In this world of 'perfection' it is not easy showing your true self. Although non of us is perfect, we still criticize each other non-stop... I love your message and your courage. Ever since I was a teenager, I have struggled with acne. I think I can speak for a lot of people, when I say you made us feel 'not alone in the world'. You really do look beautiful without make up. What am I saying you not only look beautiful, you ARE beautiful. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.. Thank you!

  68. Dear Em, You are so beautiful and amazing and well done you for doing that video. The negative comments are from people are from people with no manners nd they are very jealous as well. i wish you all the best and you are going to have an amazing life! Anna Olsson x

  69. Em you're so brave, so courageous ! People are sometimes really stupid, you're not different, you're not ugly, you are who you are, and you are a wonderful person ! I like the fact that you show the world you face before and after makeup, I love the fact that even it's hard because of the critics you do that !

  70. So proud of you for doing this. You show some guts and strength. And remember: only people who have issues with themselves, make fun of other people

  71. Dear Em,
    I absolutely LOVE your natural beauty AND your make up skills.

    All the people making hurtfull comments I gladly redirect towards a big mirror!

    As a beautician and make up artist I admire your courage to bring out this message!

    To all those people with acne, stretchmarks, spots, lovehandles, flappy arms, and so one etcetera:
    Never ever let anyone tell you otherwise
    Never ever tell yourself otherwise!!

    Love and greetings from The Netherlands!

  72. It is the most beautiful video i have ever seen. Please, remember one thing: You are beautiful, with and without make-up!!
    Greetings from The Netherlands

  73. Congratulations on your courage, strength, intellect and beauty

  74. Thank you for showing.
    You are gorgeous.
    Make-up doesn't effect my opinion.
    I feel sorry for you that people are so rude and mean.
    Wish you the best.

  75. You are beautiful
    Both whit and whitout make-up =)
    Don´t listen to the idiots who´s say otherwise
    / Andreas

  76. i found this video radomly because facebook had a link and i was like... should watch it and i'm SO happy i watched it. I want to say thank you for making this video. you're such an insoiration. i have got acne myself and i have heard some people call me names too but i ignore it. i'm a lot more confident with me but for everyone out there who isn't, when they watch your video they will be. you're a beautiful and brave young woman. never forget that there are people who love you, no matter what.
    btw your video made me cry.
    best whishes.

  77. You are not your skin or body, but the real beauty is inside you/us. The video is touching deeply.

  78. Great job making this video! I had tears in my eyes watching your video. It's disgusting how mean people can be! I think youre beautful both ways!

    inspiring video!

    Greetings from Holland.

  79. Your video was very powerful. I had bad acne as a teenager and even as an adult my skin is blotchy & prone to break outs. I progressed to never leaving the house without makeup & comments from a previous partner (you should always wear make up, you look so much better that way) certainly paved the way to this point. When I wear little or no make up the looks & comments I get are always negative which impacts my self esteem significantly. How can society get to the point when we accept women's skin as natural when there are all these negative pressures out there? You are so brave, I really admire you for putting yourself out there.

  80. I like how you look without makeup. But it isn't up to me to judge you. I only say this so you know that not everyone "sees" your skin like you might think they do. Only superficial people are going to register "flaws" because of how they feel about themselves - their negative comments to others only reflect their insecurity and need to drag others down. Happy people are going to find you beautiful - or not - based on how you act and your energy and not on how you look. Don't worry about what other people think - being mean is actually a reason to have compassion for those who are messed up in their messed up priorities and own negative self image.

  81. Dear Am, please contact me on fb mesinger. I can, and I would like to help a little :-) Regards, Valja Milic

  82. You truly are beautiful, both with and without makeup. But whats more, you are very brave, and talented both as a makeup artist, a blogger, and as an movie editor. You are so much more than just a pretty girl who knows how to look her best. You dare to confront this very personal, yet very public double standard that is so difficult to handle. There is a lot of preassure towards looks, and even now that social media seems to open up to diversity, the critisism seems harsher than ever. Thank you for sharing this!

    Sending you a big hug!

  83. Dear Miss, there is a cure, within three weeks you can get rid of acne permanently, 100 %, contact me, I tried to publish the name of the pills here but imy comment was erased by...Google probably ? Because I wrote the name ?

  84. I want you to know, that you are the most true, and the most incredible person I ever met.
    You are so beautiful, without make up and with it. You are perfect, you have such a pretty nose that i wanted to have. So beautiful face shape, and amazing cheek bones. Incredible eyes. But you know what ? External appearance doesn't mean so much. For me nothing. You have big heart, And I'm so sorry that that all people are so mean. Fuck them all ! I wanna to hug you. I love you so much. Kisses darling :)
    Greetings from Poland :)

  85. Dear Em

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for sharing this and giving me someone to look up to. Letting me know I am not alone in this cruel world, with this same problem.
    I am a 35 year old woman who has had problems with acne all my life, however its gotten worse with age. Now it is not only my face, but my entire body aswell.
    Ones selfesteem is just gone out the window. And before I was a happy young woman who didn't think or care about what other people thought of me. I lived my life, went out and was just happy. Untill I startet getting looks, people talking behind my back and well to my face in the end. I did what I could to hide it then, but now I just stay at home cause I don't have the energy to fight anymore.
    But I am so glad to see that you are fighting back. Its easy for people to judge, when they sit behinde a screen, but who's not to say they don't problems themselves. People who point fingers and talk the loudest about others are most likely those who has the biggest issues with themselves. (At least that's what I have learned over the years) But I hope with time I can get on top again someway somehow with my selfesteem. Thank you for being an inspiration to all Em.

    Kind regards from a new reader

    1. Dear Miss, please read my comment from yesterday, july 3rd, I got cured in 2 weeks, same problem as you, contact me, no need to suffer anymore like I did for 16 years...!

  86. Em, I would love to also share with anyone interested the journey that I have started two months ago in an effort to finally rid myself of dealing withe adult acne. If you would like to FB message me or anyone who interested, I will be happ to share my story. Your story is an inspiration to me. Keep your head held high. Your courage to share this is what makes you a strong person. 10 yrs of dealing with adult acne has taken and emotional toll on me and people don't realize the effect it has on you. You are an awesome person and the words of those who choose to hurt you with only shows how ugly they are. Thank you for sharing your story.

  87. Congratulations, just amazing your courage. Thank you for this step that helps changing a bit the closed minds around the world. Teenagers need your inspiration.

  88. Congratulations, just amazing your courage. Thank you for this step that helps changing a bit the closed minds around the world. Teenagers need your inspiration.

  89. You poor thing Em, it was tremendously brave of you to put yourself out there like this and your story is so powerful. People can be just downright nasty and you shouldn't worry yourself with their words, because in the end those people are the ones who will suffer in life and they just want to inflict that on other people. You are wonderful and beautiful and kind. :)

  90. I can't say I am terribly surprised at how cruel and thoughtless people can be online. I experienced it in person years ago in school and before there was social media.

    So many feel justified in treating others terribly and chucking judgement and hate at them never realizing that their very actions revel a deep, true ugliness within them that will slowly kill their hearts and lead to misery.

  91. You go, girl!

    It's who you are on the inside that matters, and what makes you beautiful in the long run. Whether you choose to use make-up or not is irrelevant.

    - remember that a ship sails on the ocean, it will only sink if the water comes into it.
    - let the same be true of you - do NOT take these ugly comments on board and let them sink you! Rise above it and accept that the comments are about the commentators and their bad self-esteem, and have nothing to do with you - you're great, no matter what.

  92. I know a totally safe over-the-counter medication that completely clears up acne almost immediately. I discovered it while living in the South Pacific. Contact me if you want to know more. It's not sold in the US.

  93. I know a totally safe over-the-counter medication that completely clears up acne almost immediately. I discovered it while living in the South Pacific. Contact me if you want to know more. It's not sold in the US.

  94. Am I the only one who thinks that she looks kind of cute without the make up? I mean, yes she has a few flaws but we all do. And I'm not saying it as trying to be supportive or something like that, I honestly think that you look cute without the make up and I would certainly go out with you. Awesome video by the way!!

  95. This video really has moved me to tears. As many of the previous people who have commented, I have suffered from acne for over 10 years and it is a struggle that you are constantly dealing with. The worst part is the horrible affect it has on your self confidence and perception of your self worth. It is a topic that most sufferers are incredibly embarrassed to talk about, so thank you for sharing your story. It makes me feel like I am not alone. And I am so grateful for that.

  96. Thank you for creating this video to show both sides of harassment girls these days can face. You are so brave and I commend you for making this! You are a beautiful girl both with and without makeup! ����

  97. I think you are naturally beautiful (skin tone, eyes color, the nose, the bones structure, hair etc) it's not only because of the makeup, acne is only a detail (I hope you'll fix, you're gonna fix it ;)) ) On the internet people are so stupid and small minded and hypocrit. Make up is fun, if I was a teenager i'll be happy to find your vlog. Your looks are terrific and fresh, I'm addicted now!! Kissxxx

  98. I love this! I suffer from rosacea pretty bad so I know how hard it is to look in the mirror and be frustrated by your skin, or feel like you don't want to go out because of. I applaud you for being brave to show your face to the world and for being accepting of yourself and loving yourself. I have a blog that is very specific to rosacea so it's not big or popular outside of those suffering with rosacea or bad skin, but I journal my process of me trying to "cure" my face and I took unfiltered, naked pictures of my face everyday and shared them with the world and it's HARD. I call it "Its Just Your Face" because every time I would get upset or depressed and not want to leave the house or just want to cry when I would look in the mirror someone would always respond with "It's just your face, get over it". I swear I wanted to knock them out every time. Unless you deal with problem skin, you have no idea how hard it is. It's your face, it's the first thing everyone sees, it's your first impression. You can't really hide it (although you do a great job at covering yours, I was never that good with makeup) you can't wear baggy clothes to cover it or a hat or whatever, its right there for the whole world to see and judge. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you, from one spotted, imperfect girl to another, I know you are helping a lot of people and I wish you lots of luck on your journey. Keep spreading the love and awareness.

  99. ♡♡♡♡You are a beauty . I deal with Rosacea everyday. I would love to meet u so u could show me how to put make up on. I have no self confidence at all. But I live far far away. Do u have an mail adress u can be contacted on? Best regards Annica

  100. Thank you so much for what you've done these past few months for all the people suffering of acne and all others skin problems. I've had acne for 15 years and it caused big self confidence probelms.
    So yeah you're beautiful with and without the make-up. We all are.

  101. Thank you!

    I dread my children growing into a world of social media and unrealistic expectations. Thank-you very much for sharing this experience.

    I am sorry that you received such hurtful comments. For what it's worth, I see a beautiful human being displaying courage and selflessness and I am so, so grateful.

  102. Ok I've been looking all over for a way to get in touch with you. Please please, if your interested in getting rid of the acne, ask your dr about trying out doxycycline. I also drink 3 cups of green tea a day. I have cystic acne vulgaris and I can relate so deeply to your video. From a purely cosmetic point I know accepting yourself is important but my cystic pimples get soooo frikkin painful, and goob all over and blah. I've been of the doxy for a month and managing with purely green tea, but I took the doxy for and week again if I start breaking out. I do doxycycline hyclate (you can do mono too) 100 mg 1x a day. Just make sure you've eaten, it can upset the stomach a bit. Good luck sweet sweet girl, I pray you'll at least consider trying it out. In a month you'll be clear.������ All my support-Tiffany

    1. To clarify: it's a prescription you get from your doctor, not an over the counter product. It's a pill, not a cream. Also I'm just a real person, who saw your video on Facebook and felt moved to share with you how I cured myself, I don't make anything nor am I affiliated in any way with that company. I just know how muchi struggled for 10 years and threw away so much money on pharmacy stuff, holistic, soaps and even tried that one that's on TV. So anyways I hope I helped in some way.

  103. You are beautiful either way. If you were my girl I would be proud to show you off

  104. Bold faced marketing ploy. I applaud your dedication to the social system that feeds on the despair of women and girls. You ARE beautiful -the empty platitudes come free with your purchase

  105. Dear Em, it made me cry. Please do tell why are some people so stupid and superficial...? Thank you, beautiful person, for your message. Regards, Ellen

  106. Dear Em,
    Thank you for being so inspiring, you're beautiful.
    Your blog is awesome and it will be very helpful to me in the future.
    Tell me Em, what would you do to deal with make-up and the extra hot weather we are currently dealing with ? Do you have a "non melting" make-up advise ?
    Thank you again for being you. You're perfect
    Bises de France

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. You are beautiful and special! Always remember that! :)

  109. You are beautiful and special! Always remember that! :)

  110. I feel so proud of you for making this video. Although I have pretty god skin on the whole, the negative/disgusting comments I've received in the past for not wearing makeup destroyed a part of my confidence and made me feel like I should be someone I'm not.
    Today, I embrace my face! Everyone is beautiful.

    Sam x

    Simpliste Daily

  111. Thank-you for showing the most intimate side of yourself and I'm sorry that people have treated you disrespectfully, not everyone is going to get it.... But for those of us who it is a comfort to know we are not alone. I have spent my whole life hiding behind makeup and fake tan, longing to feel 'normal'. I commend you Em what your doing is very special an no negative comments can change that. Lauren. Xx

  112. I just broke my hard �� u are so beautiful without make up and with it �� Haters gonna hate and nobody shouldn't care that �� (sorry bad language but I'm finnishboy so I don't have perfect english) ��

  113. You should be proud of yourself!!! You ARE beautiful!***

  114. You are very pretty, I actually like you better without the makeup

  115. Em.
    you are beautiful.

    I suffered from acne until a late age but after I took all dairy products out of my menu my face cleaned and cleared up.
    When I eat dairy by mistake I pay for it with skin
    really recommend u to try

  116. This video was really intriguing to watch, thank you so much for having the confidence to make it and getting this important message out there. You're beautiful and your skin doesn't define you x
    Hannah | Heyitshannaah

  117. Hy darling, I hope you would read this comment, i have seen this video and for me was really touching, it really shows how people can be cruel and how it is hard to face with that cruelty. You had so many courage to do this video, to show yourself as you really are: a person. I think that people who insulted you are the real monsters here. You are not alone, really thank you for your courage xx

  118. From Spain. You're a very beautiful woman

  119. You are beautiful and its a' sad thing that our view of the human body only is skin deep. You put yourself in harms way by exposing your skin condition. Peoples reaction are terrible and i hope you are OK and happy with what nature gave you. And may i say that you are absolutely stunning with or without makeup <3

  120. The video touched me. I wish you the best you are beautiful anyway you look, especially on the inside.

  121. You are such a brave and fantastic person. This video made me cry. I seriously admire you. I've been suffering from acne for 7 years and still I'm not compleatly cured. This years were a nightmare. I wanted to commit suicide many times, because I didn't have any hope left. I cried every time I looked in the mirror and I couldn't believe that this was me, that I saw myself. At first I didn't care, but people saw it and used to tell me horrible things. Then I started to worry. Even my firends didn't support me. One of them was pointing me my biggest issue by insolting other people with acne. Maybe she didn't realise that she's hurting me. I was so jealous of her being so confident. I couldn't go out without makeup. I needed tons of it to feel better, less insecure. I visited many doctors but nobody was able to help me. Finally there was a chance. I started a very dangerous therapy. It helped but I'm still not perfect and I think that because of I went throught I will never feel beautiful.
    Forgive me for mistakes in spelling. English isn't my mother tongue and I have some problems with orthography :)

  122. Hi Em,

    I think You should consult a physican/doctor and test your 25-OH vitamin D level. You should have at least 50 ng/ml. I'm almost sure You are short of this vitamin. Look at wikipedia, there is a nice article about this vitamin.

    Best wishes


  123. Em, I've been following your blog for quite some time now and I was completely oblivious to the comments that some vile people have been leaving on your social media. Firstly, I'm so sorry that you've had to deal with them, and please know that they are not true at all. You are beautiful, with or without makeup and yes I realise that's cliche to say but it's true. From reading your posts you have a wonderful personality, and you seem to be so kind hearted.

    Your film is amazing, and I've seen it shared a lot on my Facebook as well with supportive comments for you. I'm glad you've made the film so that maybe, just maybe, one day everyone will think before they post a horrible comment online. You are amazing and I wish you all the best.

    Emily // Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


  124. Em
    You are an inspiration to all those who suffer because they are not the stereotype of beauty that society imposes on us.
    Love and respect.

  125. You ARE beautiful and an inspiration sweetheart !!

    Lots Of Love


  126. It's very surprising and refreshing to see this kind of thing discussed, specially by an ex-model.

    I'm not surprised at all the nasty comments, though. You were not afraid to show yourself and that in turn showed them their selves - what's inside - some people get very angry at this. They get angry too at being reminded how happiness through skin-deep beauty is a mere fiction, the purpose of which is social control and profit.

    It is very corageous of you to have started on this path, as it's balanced to show the truth without pointing fingers at anyone or any group in particular. You're doing great, thank you.


  127. Such a heartbreaking video. There are haters everywhere online and in the real world.
    Don't let them ever make you doubt yourself, you're beautiful.

  128. With or without make-up, I think you are BEAUTIFUL :)

  129. You are beautiful!

  130. My name is Ovidiu Pacu and pharmacist , contact me to help people in your situation. or fcb ovidiu iulian pacu

  131. You are beautiful, with or without make up.
    And it takes quit some courage to do what you have done here.
    You're a great inspiration and rolmodel for a lot of people.
    Don't let anyone bring you down!

    Lots of love and respect...


  132. Your video is amazing.

    You are beautiful with and without makeup =)


  133. Hi Em, I'm so glad I found your video, it's amazing and I know exactly how you feel. It shows all those emotions I've got for many years myself. You're so brave and inspiring, hon!
    I know it's tough, but keep on going :) You rock!

  134. You're beautiful. With or without acne. And those who insult you should look in a mirror and say those things to themselves.
    We should change our education to assess more people inside and not just on the outside.
    Much encouragement, strength and affection from Spain.

  135. Beautiful and courageous, a beautiful person.. You are an example for all the young women who suffer from this problem of skin. Thank you and all my positive thoughts from Belgium

  136. Thank you, this touched me. You are beautiful!

  137. I've watched this video ten times now and I've teared up every single time. I'm 39 and I've had acne since I was 14. I was on accutane as a teenager, went to derms, bought thousands of dollars worth of high-end skincare products, I've tried everything under the sun, always looking for the next great tip or breakthrough and never without a concealer or two far from my hand. While it's gotten better and then sometimes worse over the years, this video hits home for me - all the negative comments - even without being said directly in social media have echoed in my own head every time I see myself bare-skinned. Thank you for bringing attention to this and being more brave than I could ever be. You have my complete respect and admiration. Stay beautiful! x

  138. Thank you dear Em :-) maybe tomorrow i LL go to work without make up! My acne looks justlike yours. You are so beautiful with and without make up, so maybe i am too? Hugs and greetings from belgium, marlies

  139. Thank you for taking on our distorted standards of beauty. I just sat down my 9-year-old daughter and 12-year-old son to watch your video and talk about where our true value comes from as human beings. I appreciate and admire your courage and strength in exposing and fighting back against society's fixation with physical appearance, rigid beauty standards, and just plain cruelty. Keep up the great work!

  140. I came across your video a couple of days ago and it literally broke my heart. Having grown up with severe acne in my youth I have heard many of the same comments you posted in your video. When I watch the video I had a strong desire to just hold and comfort you. I know the intense pain that people inflict when a person has physical imperfections. You have a true inner beauty that most of those who are close to having the ideal physical body will never have. Thank you so much for sharing your life in this video and touching so many lives.

  141. I feel that most of You don't realize that often times make up is the thing that causes acne. It clogs your pores. Plus, make up is so fucking silly I burst with laughter when I see a woman in a full make up. A clown like face. No, it's not beautiful. Also, for men women wearing make up are the biggest liars ever. Like seriously, you want me to act naturally when You cover your face with this shit hoping that I'm dumb enough to think that this is a real You? Pathetic.

    So, to all the ladies (I'm hoping it didn't come to this that men wear make up) .... cut the shit with this make up, let Your skin breath, heal ... be truly natural

    To Em: want to make a difference? Make a no-make-up-face Your everyday look. Convince people that it's normal to not wear make-up and not the other way around. But You can't, can't You? There's too much money in it. Plus it would make this blog completely pointless so ... no, can't do, right?

    A word of advice, don't make Yourself a victim of the shit you perpetuate Yourself, that's pathetic. Yes, peoples views a fucked up, but they were fucked up by people like You, promoting make-up-culture and "advising" on "beauty", If you can even call that the shit that is considered proper/normal these days.

    So yeah, what to change something? Start with Yourself. Otherwise, just shut the fuck up.

    1. Are you a dermatologist? What causes acne if the person does not wear makeup?! And the person eats healthy?! Your comment is totally rude!

  142. I am now 50. As You have suffered a lot from severe acne since I was 12. I do understand your feelings due to remarks and looks from other people.

    I was on Roaccutane which finally made my acne much better.

    Do not let remarks of other people let you down, you are beautiful, just ignore them.
    You are giving hope and good advice to a lot of persons.

    One good news, you will have less wrinkles at 50 :)

  143. Wow this is amazing! You look stunning without makeup! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise! xx

  144. Hi, Im from Poland and saw today your story. People are bitches! For years I was red dots on my face and even now I haven't perfect skin. It's a horrible things, I had lost best years in my life, cause I was too ashemed to go out home. I have a huge depression.
    I need to tell you, that I like your face, even with red dots - you have still quite clear face! And you are really fine and pretty. Regards from Warsaw, Im with you!!!

  145. HiI, I am from Belgium. Your video is impressive. Your message is very positive. Regards from Brussels !

  146. Beauty is not perfection. Beauty is not about skin (or face, or tits, or whatever). Beauty is personality, self-consciousness, care and respect of one's inner mystery. Beauty is in the head.

    You are beautiful.

  147. Greetings from Finland! I just saw your video; watched it with tears in my eyes. How can some people be so stupid to post such comments? Are they 100% perfect ? I doubt that very strongly. Em, YOU ARE truly beautiful without / with makeup! You got yourself a new follower :)

  148. You're beautiful no matter what and acne? Acne dosen't change your pretty, delicate features! You're naturally beautiful woman! Don't listen the one who judge you of your skin look :) Greetings from Poland and sorry for my bad english :)

  149. This video made me cry sooo much. Totally understand how you feel.

  150. I just wanted to thank you because sometimes you forget that you are not alone facing those kind of problems. You forget that you're not the only one feeling helpless facing just superficial problems that bring you down. So, I just wanted to really thank you from France. Your video is just so powerful to make us realize that we're not the only ones. We are not alone in this.

  151. To be honest, I never saw your blog before. Because of your video, I really was interested about you!
    But girl, you are gorgeous!! And i don't only mean with/without make-up, but also the way you are :)
    You can be really proud about yourself, making such an impact video.
    I admire you :)

  152. I'm from Poland.I have acne since I can remember. I admire your courge. Not so long ago I don't want anybody to see me without make up but I say to myself that it's now matter what people say. So I am no longer scare that someone see my face. Now I am confident and I am so happy that you made this video. you are strong and beautiful ;) sorry for my bad english :D

  153. People should think before they act or speak. We may live in a country where we have the freedom of speech to have an opinion and state that opinion, but they don't have to be that way. This video is so powerful and courages. And to me that is what makes you great. You had the courage to share your before image, but got a response that is almost sickening. The people who made those comments should hang their heads in shame. Your video shows that social media can be a platform for bullying rather than what it was originally meant to be: a platform to network and find new friends. This took courage and I admire that. I don't care what you look like before you put on makeup or what you look like after you put on makeup.

    I am overweight. I have asthma. I had thyroid cancer. I have to take thyroid medicine for the rest of my life which makes me permenantly hypothyroid. I also have diabetes. I am Roman Catholic and my faith is important to me. I like to watch romantic movies and sometimes I watch musicals. I follow politics to a point and it upsets me when I see someone being mean to another human being because I have been there. I have experienced the cruelty from people who hate people who are different from them. I am a woman with many different layers. I am me.

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

  154. If there's a chance, I would love to message you in private. I'm 20 soon to be 21. I medicated to get 'over acne', but the truth is that I can overcome all those years of suffering. I had it since I was 13. I REALLY WOULD LOVE TO TALK TO YOU, AND HERE YOUR OPINION AND WHAT YOU HAVE LEARN ABOUT THIS DISEASE.

    Thanks, hope you do not ignore this message.

    I admire you.

    1. Sorry, cann't and learned*
      My english needs some practice...

  155. You re realy amayzing girl without refference to make up!! nothing can cover your beautifull in your eyes...

  156. You proved that people should accept themselves to feel real happiness - not just fake satisfactions with instagram photos and all this unreal shit.

    Shame on those people who judge others so easily.

    And thank you for being real you :)

    I would hug you if I could - that's how much you impressed me.

    Take care :*

  157. You are so beautiful! No matter what others say... if you look amazing with make up, it's because you are beautiful! So pretty in and outside :) excellent video!! Lots of love!

  158. You are so beautiful! No matter what others say... if you look amazing with make up, it's because you are beautiful! So pretty in and outside :) excellent video!! Lots of love!

  159. This video is very eye opening! I'm so sad that people have treated you this way. But good for you for standing up for yourself and for all the other people who maybe aren't strong enough yet to stand up for themselves. You do so with so much class. I think you have a beautiful soul.

  160. Your video really touched me... I am almost 30 and still have acne and acne scars, that has affected my self confidence etc. Keep up with what you do!
    Take care xxx

    Helene from Excuse me I am French

  161. I'm touched and inspired by you, your brave to put yourself out there when people on social media can be so cruel. You are beautiful and everyone deserves respect despite their appearances / circumstances etc. People need to recognise that everyone is fighting their own battle in life. Keep being you!
    All the best sasha xx

  162. You are beautiful without makeup and a strong woman. Take care

  163. awesome! what an inspiration! i suffered with acne my entire life so I feel you. you are a true blessing to the world.

  164. The difference between perceived beauty and reality is a 10th of a millimetre of product. Flaws make us unique. That is who we really are. Believe in yourself and be who you are without the masks of society.

  165. I had horrible skin most of my life, until I figured out it was because I was allergic to dairy at age 25. I stopped eating it and my skin has been amazing ever since!

  166. I used to joke that I will be buried at 90 with pimples all over my face! Not any more!! I had pimples and break-outs from my teens until I was in my forties. Like Em and may others I had spent so much money over the years trying all sorts of over the counter and medical products. Just wearing makeup for one evening would have me break out for days afterwards. Everything seemed to irritate my skin no make how allergenic or sensitive the products claimed to be.

    My solution came when someone recommended I go completely natural (and cheap as well)! For the last 15 years I have only used:
    - raw oatmeal (ground up in a blender) as a cleanser - use a small amount with a bit of water to make a paste every time you wash your face (you can use it as a mask as well);
    - then use witchhazel as a natural astringent (you can get it from the drugstore/chemist) - dilute it half/half with bottled water and than use on a cotton pad as a toner to clean the face after you have washed the oatmeal cleanser off with water.

    TRY this for a week or two and use nothing else during that time - it may just be the right solution for you as well! I rarely have pimples or irritated skin any more - and this is after decades of having them all the time. SG

  167. You're beautiful with and without makeup.

  168. You are so brave to step out there and shout ITS OK NOT TO WEAR MAKEUP, you are beautiful inside and out! Am behind you 110% lovely lady! & You ARE beautiful with and without make-up!!

  169. You Art beautiful with oft make up and with make up. Wien somebody say you Are ugly dont beleve them. You Are so Pretty!

  170. Thank you so much for your video. It's inspiring to see someone who is willing to be vulnerable eventhough some people can't handle that

  171. Your video was so powerful, I'm 29 and still have acne and scaring from severe acne as a teen. You made me feel as if could conker the world.......

  172. I don't have a problem with adult acne, my skin problems are mostly uneven skin tone and redness now, but I had horrible acne as a kid and I remember it making my life hell into my early twenties. I wish I had YouTube and your fantastic tutorials when I was younger. You look fantastic with and without makeup. I love your tutorials and I thank you for standing up against bullying.

  173. You aren't perfect but you are BEAUTYFUL! I really like yours features - eyes, mouth, nose. And you have a talent to create beautiful makeups. Greetings from Poland:)

  174. I have had problems with my skin for over 10 years now, and I want to tell you I know how you feel. Remember you are truly beautiful, with or without makeup. Do not let anyone make you think anything else.

  175. This is beautiful - the world needs more people like you ❤️

  176. Humans are judgmental pricks, it's what we do. I'm 37 with acne and haven't worn makeup in years because I hate the heavy feel of it. I don't use any acne products, either, and it's slowly gotten better. Everyone has a different journey about what works for their skin. The important thing is to realize you're never going to make everyone else happy, so do what makes YOU happy.

  177. I'd never heard of this blog until a friend posted your recent youtube video. My first thought on first view of you (which was without makeup) was, "Wow, she's gorgeous." I'm glad you understand that beauty is everywhere. :) Thanks.

  178. Well done, you are right, acne not defines you, people are crual and superficial f.. them and continue your way like you do perfectly :)

  179. My acne disappeared when I started to be confident about myself (started training and got a good shape). When you forget about your spots, they start to forget about you.
    Stay sharp, don't drink the kool aid from the buzz and break a leg.

    Never listen or respond to negative and non-constructive sentences on the web, never. It's a sanity rule to keep in mind.



  180. You go girl !
    Courage is beautiful.

  181. Hi darling,
    The video showed me some things, that you rock in making up! That you are decided and committed with what you do, it is a very good video, that acne is disgusting, I hate it! But only one constant thing is never changing on your video: it is a beautiful girl there, showing different facets. Always a beauty, marked up, crying, or showing her naked beautiful face with some acne spots. I had, and sometimes I got them back, but I am still who I am, I am still a beautiful Spatz! Send you a big hug dear. And lots of happiness to your life!

  182. Hi, my name is Jesika, I'm sixteen and I never comment any videos on Youtube etc. but I have to do this right now! I have acne problems too, and I wear a lot of make up. I know I look differently without it but make up makes me feel a little bit more confident. Make up is often uncomfortable for me (especially when it's hot outside) but I have to do this. I want to be pretty, because people treat beautiful girls better. Few moths ago, at school trip, one of my schoolmates saw me without make up and I heard "Is that you? I didn't recognise you". I felt terrible.
    Today I saw gorgeous you. Gorgeous without make up, with acne . And you know what? Today I understood that we are as beautiful as strong, confident and brave we are. On your video I saw your kindness, your beauty, your courage. It touched me very hard and now I feel... differently. Thank you for that, you're my hero! You're so pretty. Huge kisses for you xoxo

  183. This was a truly thought-provoking film. I love how not one word was said but everything could be told from your eyes. People can be mean but you just have to be confident in yourself and push aside the haters. Life's worth living and true beauty is on the inside xox

  184. So inspiring!

    Laura | xx

  185. Very touching video and truly.. but when i visit your blog and see that almost information you published is how to make up, instead of share health problem to treat acné or how to recover self esteem... confuse me what is the really intrinsic message of your project.
    How can we liberate of that social conditional that don't let us feel beautiful and insist of covering our "imperfections" with make up. How can we feel secure and atractive with all our body marks (not only acné, scare, striae, cellulite and a list of what is ugly in the social concept of beauty)
    I feel every symptom or sickness of your body is an unresolved sycological or emotional problem, and for surprise, acné is related with self reject and lack of acceptance.
    I think that making up our self really helps in the moment, but is not the root to really resolve the problem.
    Thanks anyway to the intent of making consciousness about this subject that affect i think the most of the girls and woman.
    And i left an open question to anyone: How do you think that we can redefine beauty? first inside of us until feel secure just like we are and then in society..
    Loves to every person that suffers everyday because don't match with social beauty standards! and consider what is really beauty for you and what really matters in life <3

  186. I just wrote a really nice comment only for your blog to lose it when i hit publish grr!
    You're really pretty without the make up. The make up makes your acne worse - so just drop the make up! I'm a guy and I used to have severe acne. I realised over time that true friends see through the spots and actually love them as part of who you are.

    I find this with a close friend I have now. She has spots. I could spend hours staring at her pretty face. To me with or without her acne she's beautiful. Her spots just blend into the perfection!

    Our imperfections are what make us perfect. Those that can't see that just need their eyes opening.. they're the imperfect ones!

    All the best
    Chris :)

  187. Thank you Em - this is a beautiful and horrible video. I'm so sorry that people feel at liberty to behave that way towards you.
    Just this morning, I was on the bus contemplating the 10 minutes I spent putting on makeup before going to work, and thinking about my friends on the continent, remembering their facebook pictures and realising that on the continent (Germany, Switzerland, Holland and probably many others), people don't feel the need to wear makeup as a matter of course, like they do here in England.
    They don't carry around an entire makeup kit with them all day to allow them to touch up. They don't judge each other on their appearance. This includes clothing. Ordinary jeans and t-shirts with low healed shoes and a practical jacket or anorak are commonplace, not just for hiking or camping.
    And yet makeup can be wonderful fun - A form of self expression and creativity.
    It's just such a shame that it's almost a requirement. That there's something wrong with you if you 'allow' yourself to look as you do naturally.
    Thanks again and take care,
    Anthea, Bristol x

  188. This comment has been removed by the author.

  189. This comment has been removed by the author.

  190. For anyone suffering from a skin complaint like this the answer is simple. Firstly drink only water (with a squeeze of frash lemon if possible), herbal teas and pure fruit juice (not sugared artificial ones). Give up dairy and sugar (processed not the type in fruit)). Get a juicer and have three glasses a day (cucumber, broccoli, apple, pears as main content add and experiment with other fruits or veg like carrot etc). Replace bread with oat crackers or rye and dont eat processed food. Do this for a few weeks and see if it works/any improvement. Also pomegranate juice (pure not concentrated/ or with added sugar) is very good for a whole range of health problems. Good Luck!

  191. Beautiful.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd love to be waking up next to you in the mornings!
