

5 Top Tips To Survive Christmas With Your Family.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

How to Survive Christmas, family, my pale skin, em ford, blogmas, christmas hat, pale skin, blogmas 2014

With Christmas now almost upon us, millions of people around the world are preparing to spend time with their loved ones. It's a funny old time of year, it's a time for celebration, joy, feasting, relaxation and if you're anything like me - a time for trying your best to not feel like a caged animal with everyone pushing your buttons. 

Don't get me wrong, I love my family - I also love being able to do my own thing, on my own time and have a bit of space, and surprisingly I'm not alone in feeling the same way over Christmas. So i've been racking my brains and have come up with the following 5 Top Tips to survive Christmas - without any family warfare, and to ensure you keep your sanity. 

1. The Family Pet Is Your New Best Friend.

Whether it's a dog, cat, budgie or hamster... Your pet will get you through this. If you have a dog, take them for a walk, lots of walks or put on your winter coat and sit outside in the garden with them - instant peace and quiet, There's always time for snuggles with pets, and they don't judge you, feel free to give them a rant and maybe they'll let out a knowing whine in sympathy. If you don't have a family pet, that's okay - stuffed animals work just as well - Try a hooty owl - they give warm hugs. 

2. Social Media Is Your Saviour.

When I was a kid, I loved opening my presents and playing with what seemed like endless new toys all day. As a 20 something girl, I like to think of Social Media as the toy that never gets old. and gives you that same added value. Stay in touch with your friends, live tweet any christmas arguments between relatives and keep up to date with what's going on in the world. It will help - trust me.

3. Plan Everything In Advance.

I admit. I plan Christmas Dinner the same way I plan a film shoot - although I don't go as far to send a call sheet out... But what I like to make sure I do is plan the main 3 day period out for ease, speed and peace of mind.  I make lists of what Presents I've bought for each person, how much they cost and links to each item - I then colour code if they've been bought. I plan meals, who is eating what for each meal, roughly what time. Do we have all the ingredients? DID SOMEONE FORGET DESSERT? You get the jist... I enjoy planning and coordination. It also means you can prep things ahead of schedule to make life easier on the day.

4. Use Your Blog As A Get Out Of Jail Card.

That's right, shamelessly blame your blog for why you have to leave early, why you're on your phone every ten minutes, or even for the reason you have to be by yourself for a little while. You blog won't mind, it will thank you for all the extra love and support it's receiving from you. Think of all the content you can create. And if you don't have a blog, Congratulations, you've just decided to start one!

5. If All Else Fails, Get Drunk.

You've planned your day, you've bought all the right presents, checked social media, taken the dog on 20 walks and still losing the will to live? You have one option left - Get drunk. That's right, get drunk. Tear up the plans, cancel the schedule and let everyone else do their own thing whilst you sit in the corner of the room, holding a plastic cocktail glass, legs draped over the sofa and cackling to yoursef - Channeling your inner Samantha (Sex and The City). And unfortunately, if you don't drink? That's okay, because I don't either. Carb up, or load in on sugar - You'll have about 2 hours until the full force of the food coma kicks in, the you can take yourself off for a little afternoon nap.  

So those are my top tips to help you survive this Christmas. Fingers crossed I see you on the other side.
Em xxx


  1. This post is hilarious! I always feel like this on Christmas day, I think it's time to bond more with the house rabbit haha. xx

  2. Great post and really funny too! I love spending time my dog so I guess she will be getting loads of Christmas walks this year :) x x

  3. Hilarious and so true! I've always felt a bit like this at Christmas (despite LOVING my family) but this year is the first Christmas since I've moved out so I'm extra apprehensive about going home, being cramped and having to live by my mum's rules for a few days!
    I also Spread Sheet my Christmas shopping and meal planning - made the phone calls today to ask everyone what they wanted for each meal and when; down to the amount of carrots ;)


  4. Haha - i think it's important to remember why you're all there if you're getting stressed out xx

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  5. This is the best post ever! I don't even drink alchocol but Christmas is so chaotic at my house that getting drunk is pretty tempting x

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  6. Hilarious and so true! I definitely spent most of my time with my guinea pigs last Christmas hahaha xx

  7. I loved reading this, such a great idea! Christmas is a funny time of the year & it can get too much on the day! Love it xxx

  8. Excellent these tips about Christmas and very helpful these tips.
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