
Wednesday, 30 July 2014

My Top Tips for dealing with the Blogger Blues!

Sometimes the blogger blues gets hold of us all and no matter how positive we are about ourselves and our blogs... it often gets us down. I try my hardest to not compare myself to other bloggers, other writers, photographers or women, but no matter how hard I try, you can't always win against human nature. I admit, a least once a month, I may have a little sob, or a little wobble about how much time i'm spending on my blog, and if it's worth it. 

I, like many of you - put myself under great pressure. My Photographs must be perfect, my writing must be eloquent and my make up application - flawless. I'm a historic over achiever and I go from uninterested to absolutely obsessed at the flick of a switch. I've always read blogs, always searched for reviews, but It wasn't until I was actively encouraged by some like minded ladies on the internet did I start one. And now i'm here. Wittering on, almost seeming like I know 'how to blog' but the truth is, I don't - if anything I know less now than when I started as my eyes have been opened to new platforms and ways of working which I never knew existed before. 

There are a few ways I personally deal with the blogger blues they range from the sensible to soulful, but they get me through those moments.

1. It's okay to cry.
Yep, that's right, Let it go. You're upset because that blogger has the best pictures of a lipstick you've ever seen in your life. You didn't get invited to that event, you don't have as many followers... the list goes on. If any of these things get you down -  that's okay! Sometimes they get me down too. When these things happen, I like to have a sob fest and sulk in my bedroom. Jealousy is only natural, and it's how you deal with it that makes a difference. After I've finished having a little cry, I like to use it as a learning curve, and work harder and stronger. If you really want to be great at something, you have to work for it, and inspire yourself.

2. Compare your first blog post with your last.
The following two images were taken 6 months apart - from my first blog post and my last.
In the past 6 months since I started my blog, not only have I massively improved my make up collection, writing and confidence - but also my photography skills. It's easy to forget where you started when you only look at where you want to be.

Both images were taken by myself with the exact same camera. It's funny how much difference there is! It's a great visual reference for how hard I've worked and how much effort I've put in. 

3. Snap back to reality.
If you're not a full time blogger and you compare yourself to somebody who is - you're going to have a bad time. I spend at least 30 hours a week blogging, often much longer. I do this on top of the 50 hour week I currently work. 
Comparing myself to somebody who has 50 hours more time to focus on blogging will never work in my favour and it's important to remember that often the best blogs grow organically and at the right time. Blog for you, for the right reasons. Don't blog to become the next person with 5 million subscribers. The Sooner you snap back to reality and focus on your blog, instead of your expectations... the happier you'll be.

I hope my top tips came in useful and I'd love to hear yours! Let me know in the comments!
Em xxx


  1. Hi, Em. You've included some amazing tips. Also, I find that reading up on blogging really helps get me motivated, as it gives me lots of things to improve and try out on my blog. 'Blog, Inc' by Joy Deangdeelert Cho is a great one as it also includes interviews from other popular established bloggers on how they became so successful.

    Just remember that blogging for people like you and I is a hobby at the moment. Things will progress naturally and there's no reason why you couldn't blog full time if you wanted to. Your writing style, blog design and photography is awesome - not to mention your gorgeous. Chin up, lovely!

    Jo, x - Beauty, Parenting and Lifestyle

  2. Really great tips! I love how honest you are. I can definitely relate. My blog isn't even 6 months into its existence yet but I have definitely experienced all the pressure and yes, I'm not going to lie;the occasional jealousy of other bloggers. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :) :)

  3. You literally just described me! I loved reading this, made me feel better about myself and my blog 100%. I'm so glad I managed to find your blog, your posts are becoming one of my favourites!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  4. To remember I've only just started and nearly all the blogs I read are at least 1 year old +


  5. Thank you for this! I'm in such a blog rut right now, this post comes just right for me. Especially no. 3 is very hard for me to grasp as I'm always comparing my blog to fulltime bloggers and I kind of aspire to be like a fulltime youtuber, but some things are just not do-able while working 40 hours a week!

  6. Your advices cheered me up very much, I always look back and also inspire in other blogs to work even harder and do better.

    xx, M | Brunette In Black

  7. What a great and encouraging post, Em! I love reading these kinds of posts because I like knowing I'm not the only blogger out there pulling my hair out over these things.
    Your photography has gotten better! Lighting really is everything.


    PorcelainShree | A Charming Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  8. Aww I loved this Em! Blogging blues can be hard, but it's all a learning curve and a big journey!


  9. A great post Em! I completely agree with them all :)

    Sian | Siân Marie Beauty

  10. EM I love this! I always tell people to look at their favourite bloggers first posts to see how much they have changed, as you can't compare yourself now to someone who's been blogging for 5 years!

    I might post my first beauty pic on twitter for lolz... and maybe tag you in it!

  11. EM I love this! I always tell people to look at their favourite bloggers first posts to see how much they have changed, as you can't compare yourself now to someone who's been blogging for 5 years!

    I might post my first beauty pic on twitter for lolz... and maybe tag you in it!

  12. Love this, these are some really great tips. All of us experience blogger blues and compare ourselves to other bloggers and that's ok. As long as we enjoy ourselves and take inspiration rather than getting ourselves down. Most of the blogging community are super supportive which is lovely xxx

  13. Fantastic tips and real honest advice thanks for sharing hun. its so much better once you snap back to reality.
    Melissa x

  14. This is a great post. I am a newbie to blogging but i think these are great tips to bear in mind. Especially the tip about comparing your first post with your last.

    Aimee xo

  15. Wow, the difference between those two photos is incredible! I totally agree about not comparing your photography and blog to other people's. You're style isn't going to be exactly the same as anyone else, and there's probably people staring at your photography wishing theirs was as good as yours!
    Elesaurus |

  16. Love this. so many people start blogging, then get frustrated because they didn't get thousands of followers or sponsors within weeks. It takes time, but importantly, if you don't love it, your blog isn't fun to read anymore!

  17. This post was exactly what I needed in a current case of the blogger blues! Thank you so much!

  18. Adore this!! You speak for all of us! Im still at the blurry, 'barely-edited-but-thinking-Ive-done-loads' stage, and I'm always so thrilled to see I'm not the only one with occasional 'blogger blues'. Sending love your way! xx

  19. I literally posted the same as your last comment in my latest post. I think it's so important to create the content you want instead of focusing on gaining a million followers!

  20. I'm literally having one of those wobbles right now. I have it at least once a month. Its awful, but all down to comparing myself. I don't know why we do it to ourselves. I'm happy I have followers that are growing, I don't know why I suddenly think mine isn't very good when someone has more. Its so stupid. I agree though, we need to accept it & let it out, then move on. I'm quite positive about most things, & like you I do my blog on the side of a job, up until recently it was a hobby, but now my aim is to take it more seriously & give more time on it. If I keep comparing myself I won't get anywhere, I like the idea of looking back at your own blog to see how far we've come. Sometimes on a weekly basis I can see the improvement. Great post. KBxx

  21. It's also worth bearing in mind that you're sometimes comparing yourself to someone who has several years on you, and a lot of their success has come with time. We're not always naturally that patient! This is a great post.


  22. Love this, especially the last point. It's so, so true! xx

  23. Oh wow I cannot believe you've only been blogging 6 months, you're blog is incredible and that last photo was amazing. What an improvement

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