
Wednesday, 23 July 2014

3 Tips to get the most out of Bloggers Love Fashion Week

Bloggers Love Fashion Week, VIB, #VIB, #BLFW

The first Bloggers Love Fashion Week took place in March this year. Now it's back and I've been asked to attend as a VIB, and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am about this.

For those of you who don't know, Bloggers Love Fashion Week is a 3 day event which takes place in the heart of London's West End - Leicester Square. Packed full of top brands showcasing their latest collection and bloggers from all over the country, it's certainly not one to be missed.

Bloggers Love Fashion Week was pretty much my first ever large scale blogger event. I'd been blogging for 2 months when I attended, and as a newbie to the blogging world it was both petrifying and exciting at the same time.

Like most things, the most important thing to remember about blogger events is, you get out what you put in and if you plan in advance, you can get so much out of it, so I've decided to write out my top 3 tips to make the most out of this 3 day event.

1. It's cool to get there on time!
If you're shy at blogger events, haven't made a blogger date, or wimp out of talking to other people (like me) then try and get to the event bang on time, or better still...early! You'll likely find that less people are there, and if there's just 3 of you in a massive room, you could find yourselves chatting away and making friends naturally, without the added worries of walking into a room full of people you may not know.

2. Set youself a goal of _____  people to talk to each night.
I've recently set myself a target of 2. When I go to events, I aim to meet and talk to 2 new people - per event. Harder than it sounds, but the past few events I've been to, I've surprised myself, got out of my comfort zone and smashed my target!

3. Lights, Camera, Action!
You don't need a fancy camera to be a blogger as you can take some fantastic photos on camera phones these days, however, if you are taking a DSLR or similar to a blogging event, one thing to take into consideration is that the light may not always be on your side. I have a Toplight that I bought for my Canon 600D and it was probably the best £20 I've ever put towards my blog. If you have a choice between a new outfit or a light for the event... screw the clothes and buy a light. I get so much use out of mine, and my value LED light I find works better than the £100+ Calumet Top light I have for pro use in work. You'll be amazed at how much difference good lighting makes to your photographs.

So there you have it. My top 3 tips to help you at BLFW. I hope they're even remotely useful, and I can't wait for next month to roll around for the pre party!

Are you going to Bloggers Love Fashion Week? Let me know in the comments! 
Em xxx


  1. Excellent post! Great idea about planning to talk to a set number of people! I'll be trying that out for sure!


  2. I'm coming along to this as well :) looking forward to meeting you! x

  3. Still umming and arrrrring if I should go. It's £50 for the train ticket!! :-(

    xxx | daisydaisyxxo
    Enter my giveaway here!!

    1. Daisy, where would you be travelling from, if you don't mind me asking?

  4. I'm in the exact same position you were in at the first #BLFW, when I arrive I'll have been blogging just 2months - eeks! Looking forward to meeting everyone though! Thanks for the tips


  5. I'm literally in the same position as when you first started Em! I'm excited to meet new bloggers and see you/the other girls again.

    I'm going to try and set a target too and maybe even try and as I have a plus one I might bring a "blogger date".

    See you soon!

    Sam xo

  6. I've been invited to attend the BLFW but I get sooo nervous around new people I will probably end up not going :( I'm going to try my best to go, I'd hate to miss an opportunity like this!

    L x // bloglovin'

  7. I've been invited and would love to go, but as I live in Manchester and the event isn't on consecutive days it's difficult. If I could only attend 1 day is there any 1 in particular you would recommend?

  8. hope you have an amazing time! these tips are so simple but ones that i bet make it so much more enjoyable and allows you to maximize what you get out of it

    hannah @
