
Monday, 30 June 2014

What's In My Bag?! (Totally Honest Edition...)

What's In My Bag, Mypaleskin, Pale Skin, Blog, VLOG

I admit it. I'm a handbag slob. I can never find what I want whenever I go into my handbag... and after a night of investigation I've just found out why.  I think maybe this is the wake up call I need and to make me realise I should be checking out items from my handbag and into the bin on a more frequent basis.

What's In My Bag, Mypaleskin, Pale Skin, Blog, VLOG

I won't ruin the surprise for you, so check out the video below to find out what I really carry around with my on a daily basis.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this video and what else you'd like to see on my channel! P.S. Don't forget to subscribe! xxx


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