
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Is a sculpted waist without any exercise possible? - My Lipomassage* Review!

treatment room for an Endermologie Lipomassage

Have you ever wanted to tone up and lose weight without the hard work? Yep! Me too. This month I'd been invited to try something new and very different! So I headed to Endermologie to try out their famed 'Lipomassage*' in a new 15minute express session.

If you haven't heard of Lipomassage* or know what it's about, that's okay because honestly It was all new to me too. So here's what happened during my experience... I met with Pernelle who was going to be giving me my Lipomassage* and she briefly talked me through the treatment and then left the room for me to put on my, what I can only describe as human sock. I did burst out laughing when Pernelle showed it to me, and after instructing me how to put it on, I wrangled myself into it.

Endermologie lipomassage endermowear

Lipomassage endermowear

Now the human sock, or in technical terms your Endermowear is pretty see through, It does in fairness, have thicker whiter parts to cover the nipple and groin area, but you are instructed to not wear your underwear underneath it, just as a heads up.  When you're all dressed and ready to go, it's onto the table and the session begins.

LPG Endermologie Lipomassage how it works

During the session you're to lie down on the table in a similar fashion to the woman on the screen. I decided to have my express session target my waist so chose the waist-ing away treatment.

The actual Lipomassage* is what i can only describe as an odd experience, but it was enjoyable! Pernelle was answering all the questions I was firing off at her during the treatment and she really knew her stuff! The treatment is sort of like having your skin kneaded, like you would to dough, but by motorized rollers with a suction tube in the middle. The therapist follows the little arrows on the screen to work out where to roll and which direction. 

In all honestly, I saw and felt zero difference after my treatment, and that's no surprise, as even the website states that you will need to have 6-8 weeks of treatment... and those are 35minute sessions! 

Would i stick it out for 6-8 weeks? Hmm, probably not, and the reason being at around £50 per session, one session a week... you could see results in the gym for the similar time frames and for far less money.
 However, if you've bags of dosh and prefer getting a massage than exercising, then this is the treatment for you - but be aware, that to maintain your sculpted figure, you'll need to have at least one session a month... for the rest of your life.

For more information about the Lipomassage* you can check their website here - LPG Lipomassage

*Although this experience was complimentary for review purposes, it has been reviewed openly and honestly. My Pale Skin will never publish a false review.


  1. Haha this is the weirdest concept! I think if I had the money, Id rather just go for actual liposuction or laser lipo, although it would be funny wearing this!

  2. Sounds intresting, but definitely a big luxury! Did it hurt at all? Danielle x

    frontière girl

  3. How strange! I'd rather just go to the gym instead though!

  4. This sounds bizarre and that sock looks so uncomfortable, I think I'll stick to the gym! Great honest review though

    Claudia xx | Beauty and the Chic

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