
Monday 12 November 2018

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  1. Well done Em, I watched this earlier today - completely brilliant - congratulations!

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    1. Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC


    3. All glory to God and thanks to Dr Ariba, i purchased his medicine
      for syphilis Annularis a month ago and now i am completely cured without
      any side effect. I recommend his medicine, the medicine is not bitter and
      it works very fast just like healing from God almighty.
      This medicine works wonders and If you have any of these problems:

      1. Conjunctivitis

      2. Verruca Acuminata

      3. Gonococcal Urethritis

      4. Herpes Progenitalis

      5. Paget disease

      6. Trachoma

      7. Pemphigus Vegetans

      8. Syphilid Annularis

      9. Syphilis (1,2 and 3)

      10. Pharyngitis

      11. Syphilitic gumma
      12: Dick ENLARGMENT

      And any other deadly diseases email him: contact Dr Ariba via call/whatsapp +2348142140432 or +2349034093028 email: and if you want to join the illluminati or you need a rich sugar mummyof you want your ex husband or wife (bf/gf) just callorwhatspp... +2348142140432 or +2349034093028
      for any country (World wide)
      Thank you sir Dr Ariba

      Herbs are Natural good remedies for All deadly diseases AND PENIS ENLARGEMENT , the reason why most people are finding it difficult to get a bigger and Erect Penis is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatment, which is not helpful to Enlarge or Erect Penis I am from South Africa, I had Cancer and was told I could die in few Months before I met this Doc ARIBA on the internet, I contacted via email ( and he told me to come over to China, I did go to china to meet him up.. I used these herbs and got cancer cured in 3 Weeks, If you need medicine for HIV/AIDs and other deadly diseases you contact him and get cured. CONTACT: OR WhatsApp: +2349034093028

    4. The doctors said Herpes virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Herpes isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But with strong reactive herbal medication is capable of getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells,natural herbs kills the virus totally not just reducing the out break. Get natural herbs cure Email DR. VOODOO at Add Dr voodoo on whatsApp +2348140120719


  2. i want to thank Dr Eboh for the herbal HIV medicine he gave to me and my daughter, i was suffering from HIV when i gave birth to my daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the herbal medicine that Dr Eboh gave to me when i contacted him. i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer with him all your pains will be gone, i am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of HIV, we are now negative after the use of his medicine,my doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr Eboh for healing hands upon my life and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. email him now he is waiting to receive you. or add him on whatsapp +2348053823815.


    1. HIV/AIDS
    2. HERPES
    3. CANCER
    4. ALS
    5. Love spell
    6. Lotto Spell

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  13. i want to inform the public how i was cured of HERPES Simplex Virus by a Doctor called Dr.EBHOTA. i visited different hospital but they gave me list of drugs like Famvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex which is very expensive to treat the symptoms and never cured me. I was browsing through the Internet searching for remedy on HERPES and i saw comment of people talking about how Doctor EBHOTA cured them. I Was scared because i never believed in the Internet but i was convince to give him a try because i was having no hope of been cured of HERPES so i decided to contact him on his email, i searched his email on net and i saw a lot of people testifying about his goodness. when i contacted him he gave me hope and send a Herbal medicine to me that i took and it seriously worked for me, am a free person now without problem, my HERPES result came out negative. You can contact him on
    his Email: or whatsapp him on +2348089535482 and get all your problem solved.
    1Sickness of any kind
    2 Help to CURE Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDs CANCER and BIPOLAR
    3 Divorce, Breakup problem and To Re-unit
    4 Pregnancy problem
    5 Financial problem and Job promotion
    6 To get a good and rich life partner
    7 To Lose your wath
    8 to enlargement of pennis
    9. CANCER
    10. ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease)
    11 Hepatitis B
    12 chronic pancreatic
    13 emphysema
    14 COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)   

  14. my husband and I have been married for about 7 yrs now. We were happily married with two kids, a boy and a girl. 3 months ago, I started to notice some strange behavior from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone. He started coming home late from work, he hardly care about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn't even come back home for about 2-3 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the Internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr jeffrey can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he did a spell for me. Two days later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my family are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr jeffrey . If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you. This is his E-mail:

    WhatsApp +2348162061202

  15. Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Ehiaguna the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Ehiaguna write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Ehiaguna instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now or you can also WhatsApp him +2348073908953. And He also have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC

  16. I Want To Appreciate Dr.OYAGU for hs great deeds, I Was Diagnosed With type 2 Herpes Virus Last year,And Was Looking For Solution To Be Cured Luckily I Saw Testimonies On How Dr.OYAGU Cure Herpes Virus I Decided To Contact Dr.OYAGU I Contacted Him He Prepared A Herbal Medicine Portion And Sent It To Me,I Started The Herbal Medicine For My Health.He Gave Me Step By Step Instructions On How To Apply It, When I Applied It As Instructed, I Was Cured Of This Deadly Herpes Within 2 weeks, I Am Now Herpes Negative.My Brother And Sister I No That There Are So Many People That Have There Same Herpes Virus Please contact Dr OYAGU To Help You Too,And Help Me To Thank Dr.OYAGU For Cure Me, I’m Cured By Dr. OYAGU Herbal Medicine,His Contact

    Or Cell Whatsapp Number +2348101755322 thank you

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  19. I Want To Appreciate Dr.OYAGU for hs great deeds, I Was Diagnosed With type 2 Herpes Virus Last year,And Was Looking For Solution To Be Cured Luckily I Saw Testimonies On How Dr.OYAGU Cure Herpes Virus I Decided To Contact Dr.OYAGU I Contacted Him He Prepared A Herbal Medicine Portion And Sent It To Me,I Started The Herbal Medicine For My Health.He Gave Me Step By Step Instructions On How To Apply It, When I Applied It As Instructed, I Was Cured Of This Deadly Herpes Within 2 weeks, I Am Now Herpes Negative.My Brother And Sister I No That There Are So Many People That Have There Same Herpes Virus Please contact Dr OYAGU To Help You Too,And Help Me To Thank Dr.OYAGU For Cure Me, I’m Cured By Dr. OYAGU Herbal Medicine,His Contact

    Or Cell Whatsapp Number +2348101755322 thank you

  20. All glory to God and thanks to Dr Ariba, i purchased his medicine
    for syphilis Annularis a month ago and now i am completely cured without
    any side effect. I recommend his medicine, the medicine is not bitter and
    it works very fast just like healing from God almighty.
    This medicine works wonders and If you have any of these problems:

    1. Conjunctivitis

    2. Verruca Acuminata

    3. Gonococcal Urethritis

    4. Herpes Progenitalis

    5. Paget disease

    6. Trachoma

    7. Pemphigus Vegetans

    8. Syphilid Annularis

    9. Syphilis (1,2 and 3)

    10. Pharyngitis

    11. Syphilitic gumma
    12: Dick ENLARGMENT

    And any other deadly diseases email him: contact Dr Ariba via call/whatsapp +2348142140432 or +2349034093028 email: and if you want to join the illluminati or you need a rich sugar mummyof you want your ex husband or wife (bf/gf) just callorwhatspp... +2348142140432 or +2349034093028
    for any country (World wide)
    Thank you sir Dr Ariba

    Herbs are Natural good remedies for All deadly diseases AND PENIS ENLARGEMENT , the reason why most people are finding it difficult to get a bigger and Erect Penis is because they believe on medical report, drugs and medical treatment, which is not helpful to Enlarge or Erect Penis I am from South Africa, I had Cancer and was told I could die in few Months before I met this Doc ARIBA on the internet, I contacted via email ( and he told me to come over to China, I did go to china to meet him up.. I used these herbs and got cancer cured in 3 Weeks, If you need medicine for HIV/AIDs and other deadly diseases you contact him and get cured. CONTACT: OR WhatsApp: +2349034093028

  21. Good News My People ..I Want To Appreciate Dr OYAKHIRE Herbal Medicine Is A Good Herbal Medicine For( HIV ),I Was Diagnosed With Hiv
    Virus Last Month,And i Looked For Solution To
    Be Cure,Luckily I Saw A Testimonies On How Dr
    OYAKHIRE Cured Hiv Virus,I Decided To Contact Dr OYAKHIRE ,I Contacted Him and He Prepared A Herbal Medicine Portion And Sent It To Me,I Started The Herbal Medicine For My Health,He Gave Me Step By Step Instructions On How To Apply It, When I Applied It As Instructed, I Was Cured Of This Deadly HIV Virus Within 1week, I Am Now Hiv Negative.My Brothers And Sisters I
    know That There Are So Many People That Have
    this Same HIV Virus Please Dr OYAKHIRE is here To Help you too,And please Help Me To Thank Dr OYAKHIRE For Curing Me, I’m Cured By Dr.OYAKHIRE Herbal Medicine,His Contact you can whatapps him on is phone number okay
    here is the number on Whatsapp,
    (+2349039208180 or email
    (1) HIV / AIDS
    (2) CANCER
    (3) HERPES
    (4) DIABETES
    (6) HPV
    (7)EX BACK
    (9) stroke
    (10) asthma
    (11) fibroid

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  23. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (Hsv) for the past 3 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Onokun helped someone in curing his (Hsv) herpes disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on :

  24. I have been suffering from a deadly disease (Hsv) for the past 3 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one places to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I was searching through the internet, I saw a testimony on how Dr Onokun helped someone in curing his (Hsv) herpes disease, quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days after using the herbal cure, behold I was free from the deadly disease, he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now, please brothers and sisters, he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on :

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  26. I was diagnosed of herpes 4 years ago but no doctor could cure me until i came across Dr omohan who gave me his medicine that revived my life and today i'm tested negative to herpes. I don't need to talk too much about Dr omohan but you too can contact him for any kind of cure on his email him      WhatsApp him via +2348164816038             

  27. I want to thank Dr Emu a very powerful spell caster who help me to bring my husband back to me, few month ago i have a serious problem with my husband, to the extend that he left the house, and he started dating another woman and he stayed with the woman, i tried all i can to bring him back, but all my effort was useless until the day my friend came to my house and i told her every thing that had happened between me and my husband, then she told me of a powerful spell caster who help her when she was in the same problem I then contact Dr Emu and told him every thing and he told me not to worry my self again that my husband will come back to me after he has cast a spell on him, i thought it was a joke, after he had finish casting the spell, he told me that he had just finish casting the spell, to my greatest surprise within 48 hours, my husband really came back begging me to forgive him, if you need his help you can contact him with via email: or add him up on his whatsapp +2347012841542 is willing to help any body that need his help.

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