
Sunday 1 February 2015

Why you should get involved with #FrugalFebruary

February is here, and with it being the shortest month of the year... it's the perfect time to try something new, or even take up a challenge. So here's where Frugal February comes in...

Being a 'millennial' (ugh did I seriously just use that word?) comes at a price. There's always a new bit of technology released that you just damn well need, or a new restaurant that's opened up to incredible reviews. There are Instagram accounts dedicated to making us feel envious of other people's lives and no matter what time of day or night I check my social media feeds, there is always something that catches my eye and makes me want to spend money.

So lets' put a stop to it and go back to basics - for an entire month. Grated, unless you're a child, it's likely you'll need to spend some money this month - those bills sadly aren't going to pay themselves, and you'll need somewhere to live, so don't forget about your mortgage or rent... but everything else? Now that - we can work on!

So how do you get involved, I hear you ask? Well let me give you a couple of examples to get you in the mood and think about how you can live frugally this month.


First things first, aside from absolute essential purchases (e.g running out of something completely), it's time to cut back on beauty this month. If you're usually familiar with the layout of the high end beauty hall, why not try a month with only budget buys? Instead of a Space NK haul, try and just buy drugstore instead. If you already do buy drugstore, take it on step further and maybe try a pound shop beauty hall, or even a no buy!


So you're a die hard Fshionista, who just loves keeping up with the trends... welcome to your challenge month. Instead of shopping in Topshop, try the charity shop! Instead of ASOS, head straight to ebay and set yourself a limit of £5-6.00 per item (inc. Postage)! I once managed to buy a perfect Topshop coat for £0.99 on ebay and years later, it's possibly the best online purchase i've ever made! If you really want a challenge this month, why not set yourself a challenge of selling X amount of clothes on ebay or Depop and using the funds you make to buy new clothes. 


I don't know about you, but I have a particular bad habit of buying overpriced food. Wholefoods is one of my favourite places to shop, and it's a place where a half full basket can set you back over £100 a week! It's by no means cheap, so this month i'm setting myself a challenge to spend less on food, and become more creative, resourceful and inventive. Instead of going out for dinner at my favourite raw food restaurant, I'm going to challenge myself in the kitchen, and come up with a few recipes to use at home. Instead of grocery shopping, I'm going to try and use up as much as I can from the pantry, and bulk make meals to live frugally. 


The best things in life are apparently why not see what those things actually are this month. Grab your comfy shoes, and let's get exploring. If you live in London, then this will be a piece of cake! There are so many places to see and things to do without spending a penny! Why not plan a walking tour, or research online and set out on an adventure. Don't forget your packed lunch! 

So those are just a few examples on how you can save money and live frugally this month. To me, being frugal doesn't mean constantly living on a no buy, but instead really thinking about your spending decisions, and working out if there's a more economical alternative. It's not about buying the cheapest option, but the best option.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, will you be getting involved? Let me know in the comments!

Em xxx


  1. Such a good idea. Being a Uni student is hard on the purse at the best of times. X

  2. One of my biggest fears is buyers remorse, so I try to stick to these rules for the most part when it comes to makeup.

  3. Oh wow I actually have a post scheduled that is very similar to this! I'm going for a no-buy in both makeup and clothes. It's gonna be hard because it's so tempting to just stop in at the store and pick up a few pieces I don't really need.
    And I love the adventuring idea. That's definitely a fun things to do that's free!

  4. this is a brilliant post! I've been trying to cut back on spending for a while now, but February has Valentine's Day and the Lunar New Year so spending less this month may be a bit more difficult. Will be trying my best to stick to your tips though!

    Dusty Foxes Beauty

  5. I've started living by a weekly budget so I'm being a bit frugal at the moment, too. It can be a bit of a pain but it really makes me think about what I "need" and what I can do without. Good luck with Frugal February!

  6. This is such a great idea, I definitely need to budget more! Food is by far my biggest expense too, I spend so much on eating out in restaurants! My goal is to have more dinner parties at home instead of going out all the time :)
    Emily xx
    Emily May Designs

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  7. I'll definitely be getting involved with this. January was a month of spending far too much money so I'm going to try and be as good as possible in Feb and not spend money on things I really don't need. I've also got my birthday in February so Im going to make a wish list of things I'd normally buy myself and I'm sure I'll get some lovely bits from my family.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  8. I'll try if though I may be a little late xx I have sold lots of old makeup at work today x does that count?

  9. I love this posts, some great ideas here. I definitely need to stick to a few of these

  10. I was just thinking of trying a no buy this month. Since it's the shortest month of the year, it should be a bit easier than all the other months. (Plus all the new releases for the season are already out!)

  11. This idea is BRILLIANT! I'll try my best! I live in the countryside and there is no shop here, but in march I'm going to the CITY and I will probably spend a lot of money so it might be a good idea to not spend on february lol

  12. This idea is BRILLIANT! I'll try my best! I live in the countryside and there is no shop here, but in march I'm going to the CITY and I will probably spend a lot of money so it might be a good idea to not spend on february lol

  13. I'm definitely trying to cut back over the next few months, I want to save as much as possible! x

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